Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Powerful Message

We have been praying a lot lately, for guidance throughout this whole process; and although we have always felt that this is what God has been asking us to do, we have never gotten as clear of a message as we did this past Sunday morning.

We are very fortunate, because Max Lucado is our preacher at church. Sunday morning his message was titled "The Have-Nots", and it was about the people in the world who are less fortunate then we are. He began to tell a story about a family in Ethiopia, who along with so many other families, are struggling to survive on a daily basis. He then began to discuss the children in Ethiopia, who are at such a disadvantage simply because of where they were born.

As you can imagine, I was crying the entire sermon. I was crying for the people of Ethiopia and the rest of the world who live in these conditions. I was crying for our little boy who has had to struggle so much of his short life, and will continue to live in unfavorable conditions until we are able to go get him. I was crying f0r his family who had to make the decision to give him up for adoption so that he could survive, a decision that I cannot even fathom. But mainly, I was crying because I was overwhelmed at the message God was sending us. We are doing exactly what He has been asking us to do for so long. Why have we waited so long? Why have I let my fears and worries get in the way of a precious innocent life who deserves so much more. You see, we were given a golden ticket, just because of where we were born, and yet we take so much of it for granted, because we have no idea of what it means to truly struggle everyday.

Thank you God for sending us this message! I can see a lot more clearly now, and I hope that through this whole experience, we can help relay Your message to as many people as we possibly can.


  1. What a beautiful post. Thanks for the inspiring words and here's to quick court dates. (We too are awaiting a court date through IAN).
    Amber McMillan

  2. That is so amazing and such a terrific message. Sometimes we need a little smack in the back of the head to remind us to do what we know we are called to do. God Bless

  3. Just popping by to say hello and hang in there while you wait. This is a great post. My husband and I got engaged in San Antonio and went to your church the very next morning so I just had to post a hello (of course that was 14 years ago...) Anyway, you will be home with your child before you know it!
    Kerry Anderson
